Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week 10 Review by Ahmed Awwadh (C303)

On Sunday we had breakfast and divide into groups each group brought one traditional Saudi dish and talked about how they prepared it. On Monday we studied the sequence adverbs like after that, next, first and finally and we took a homework about it. Next day we studied present perfect vs. past simple and we took exercises about it. It was very helpful for me. On Wednesday we took a lesson about the healthy eating and we wrote a letter about tips on healthy eating. On Thursday we had a test in what we had all the week and we continued our work about the class project.

 My best work


  1. When I see this picture I feel hungry, really the Areekah dish was strong and delicious. And all dishes we had in the breakfast was good to, Mr eyaaz was right if we do what we learn we will never forget the lessons - especially dishes lesson -

  2. You right Barakat this dish was very delicious, it was the first time I try it, I'm really love it.

  3. I agree with you Barakat it was delicious , i hope do it again eat breakfast in the calss. Thanks mr. for the breakfast .

  4. I hope do it again eat breakfast in the class, this is change of routine...

  5. Actually I'm very happy because gyus accepted areekah Thanks alot my mother.
