Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 5 Review by Mohammed Bawazir B303

1st lesson verbs and quantifiers 
In week five, we take verbs and quantifiers and we learned how to use them in sentences.
Adverb and quantifiers can describe how often we do something from zero to 100%. There are 10 words we can chose from >>ex how often do you play football 
I always play football

2nd lesson word map
In the second lesson we studied word map and we learn how to use it and write it >
What is word map? And what is the benefit of it?
Well, word map is many words (or ideas) connected to each other like a neckless or in other words, many words connected in an easy form which describe something easily

3rd lesson greeting card
We learnt how write a greeting card and how to use the simple past in it for example>
We arrived yesterday. I had a great time. We took some photos........

4th lesson our vacation
We learn in this lesson how to write an email letter and how to extract the main events (or ideas) from it >comes in simple past form.