Wednesday, October 15, 2014

ُAccept or Except

from Arabnews paper

From The Commonly Confused words List
من قائمة الكلمات المحيرة
هناك كلمات يقع كثير من المتعلمين للغة الانجليزية في حيرة من معناها نظرا لأنها قريبة من كلمة اخري النطق مختلفة معها في المعني
Accept : يقبل

I accept your kind offer.

Except : ماعدا

All except one were in the office.


  1. like these examples will be very helpful for us .. thanks for it and I wish you'll put more from it

  2. Just now I knew this different between those words, thank you soo much, really I wish to learn more about these kind of words.
