Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Body by Waseem Level 3

Accidents Happen

This week's topic was the body, I got students into groups they were required to draw a body with the vocabulary linked to it. After they had finished, I got them to do a gallery walk, they were required to go around each groups posters whilst correcting any spelling mistakes (dictionaries were allowed). 
The next day they had to write 5 sentences using the past continuous/Simple past about an accident that occurred linked with the vocabulary from the body. Finally they were required to present their poster to the rest of the class.
We choose a winner by each group selecting the best piece, below is the winner and runner up.

Invitation to an event by AlWaleed AlHindi Level 3

Formal and Informal way to begin a note

Today's lesson was to do with notes. I showed students different examples of notes and we completed a few activities as a class. Thereafter students were required to design an invitation to a special event of their own choice (adding a personal note at the end was necessary), 
Firstly they were required to prepare a first draft which was peer checked, thereafter for homework design an invitation for a classmate. Finally exchange their invitations, which one is the most popular in their group tell the rest of the class.